...is god only knows if ANYone can ever have coherent communications... which go "yes i saw that, i have a QUESTION?..."
or "yes is saw that and i think you are biggest jerk in the universe, BECAUSE.."
And there seems to never again be any possibility of this....simple...ping, pong ping ....coherent communication in any game
But as it is 2022 not ferkin the year 632 when Allah is said to have 'died'...
video is the way to at least try and communicate certain things from beyond the grave i guess
so i set to waffling about some things maybe can help other generations ....
and i will in time put ALL my links - many are unlisted...here...soon
because it is time to decloak - what a fag when to sort of hide some of what you do from others who you may like to do this and that with you have to wear different hats or have diferent email accounts...
cos they just assume
I guess when you are ready to just say fuckit io know i never did any bad - for at least a decade or more....tried best... some ok stuff
thats when you are ready to become a grandad...
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