Sunday, 4 September 2022

But they are not 'liars'...

 Liar is is a horrid word.

Hate thy sin not the sinner. And all that.

Simply ...[i never do this..]  early morning call today with Suzy dog-walking ex aid worker; simply has no comprehension that crystal ball gazing via expensive Diamond Approach courses are the exact enemy of rural life being viable.  One  has to (banned word to them) ...judge.... be able to judge: does this potential helpmeet actually LIKE chopping the wood in the mizzle?  And will she still be doing it with me making great jokes as we go a decade on? 

But when all English women have been polluted with this damn pay-as-you go 'spiritual' judgemental fucking nonsense when  spiritual actually means be of good spirit, warmly, always with someone in peace ..of course none of them can find boyfriends any more. Good job i stopped wasting my time on any of them ever again even if must chop mine off...

Because it takes balls to know when there never was any hope. And why..

And that i do know. As Montaigne did before.

It is so sad not to know thineself one smallest bit. Always the best excuse for spouting rubbish to everyone - which matters when a man (sadly only these days as no woman wishes to be what they put on Facebook...and thats just so so lonely...)  a man has agreed to help rebuild the wooden buildings and fences and for pay that no one else would countenance... only to discover as usual their countenance only ever a mask... 

Ads was Andrea's... when we sat by her campfire .. her gang of towny holiday makers and hearing her sing, my sidecick that night asked if she could be guide to her... 

And of course.. bathed in the midsummer firelight and probably a glass or two in her (don't became symbolic poison to them all)  all smiles and people pleasing "of course little lamb...your voice is beautiful too for the untrained... we will guide.." and then never answers her polite follow up email message from us..

That didnt hurt me. But when a woman  - the most innocent sincere lovely young woman ever, discovers she can never for a moment believe a word from her own sex... that really is the END.. As it was hers.

The last time Italians were men...and  maybe in his composition (even if i prefer Ivry Gitlis Bruck...and other such classicals) 

Maybe gorgio did find a little of the Sublime - brave attempt at being new and not caring what others thought - all the way...

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