Sunday 2 October 2022

kairos time

 Now, thank god for habits

And my great poem about ...well...


Words are one thing but to discover i was telling the truth, too...

That's the biggest 'too' in history.

" when i first encountered you..well i thought what a scraggy little rather dull  hissing thing... even if i rather liked your hisses..."

" but you know what... the way you use words.... i mean ' you look like an adventurer' thats the best word anyone could use about me ever and no one else knows it any more.... even if not quite true but still what adoration you have for words so beyond your mere years....
"and then...  you mean it, you alone mean what you say.... 
"you alone....

"really love to get in there no matter what our feelings are.....and fix stuff..... with such gusto and relish and love for just the job no matter what... . i think you are just ...great...... of course if she could mum would be... dot dot dot...[no not fuckin Dorothy the daughter of the devil poor lamb]... [some things are too sad for even her to twist around into lies and deceit...bout her poor little self]"

But then.

It is all very well being once more as happuy as is humanly possible, even if she just posts adverts about her expensive smile fixer...

But this one, "the 2016" day fuckin after the end of the world: 

Now i not only know how he got Florentino to be so serially randy, but, what sleep is for....[always 7.5 hrs no matter what harridans one meets three times a day]...


I mean who cares if her hair is dyed red.

There is just something about her. 

I have met her before....


 But even her  face fades as the dusk arrives. But to have her so starkly in the minds eye the moment after the 7.5...

But then maybe if we met in a past life, the kairos was on our side because it is only yesterday exactly at that moment... 

One was kairosed to the perfect level of frisson: 

" little toe rag.... confected vulnerability to prostitute upon even....well not you, but all the he's addicted to hookers and Gulfstreams like all the rest...  

"when we last met i was thinking of you all day despite your so superb words about ...well, you too believed in Heidi.../

"because you know i couldnt make up that sincerity...and belief in the sublime  woven into her hair... hers alone..

“ but the toe rag.... i mean the 2016 no not the 2003..

“Silly me

“ he should have hissed and spat... toe rags not spitting about something they say they the problem....

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